401K Optimizer®

Retirement Plan Account Management

Who can help with your 401(k) or retirement plan?

As fiduciary financial advisors, we realize people may seek help with their retirement plans. The 401(k) Optimizer® offers personalized account management without the fees. "The smart and easy way to manage your retirement plan." - Howard Capital Management

Though 401(k) plans usually provide limited investment choices, making the right investment decisions to meet your goals can be tricky. With the guidance of a financial advisor and the 401(k) Optimizer®, you can allocate your contributions to investments that align with your retirement goals.

401(k) Optimizer® logo

Is it worth paying someone to manage your 401k?

Our complimentary service is access to the 401(k) Optimizer®. Looking for more control in your retirement plan or 401(k)? Take the guesswork out of managing your 401(k), TSP, 403(b), and 457 plan. Utilize this automated web-based financial planning tool that seeks to optimize your employer-sponsored retirement plan.

As a Fiduciary Financial Advisor, we needed a tool to help our clients manage accounts not eligible to be rolled over to our management as of yet. Incorporating the HCM Buy-Line® and its provided track record, we feel the 401(k) Optimizer® provides that solution.

The 401(k) Optimizer® is an online portal where you can make informed decisions when allocating your 401(k) or employer-sponsored plan. The Optimizer provides quarterly recommendations based on your personal risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals.

This service is available through our firm to everyone at no cost, and you do not have to be a client. Access may be for a limited time.

The 401(k) Optimizer® Explained.



Every quarter the 401(k) Optimizer will provide you with an updated allocation. The update comes directly to your email and a text notification is sent as well. The software automatically reviews your plan and a proprietary mathematical algorithm to recommend a customized allocation based on your time horizon, goals, and risk tolerance. Most financial advisors believe updating your portfolio regularly can help you stay on track with your retirement and financial goals.

Receive your recommendations via email and text, every quarter.


The 401(k) Optimizer utilizes the HCM Buy-Line®. The Howard Capital Management Buy-Line® is a proprietary mathematical algorithm. The HCM Buy-Line® has a 20-year track record, utilizing a stop-loss trading strategy. This approach helps take the emotion and guessing out of your investment decisions.

The HCM Buy-Line® monitors market trends and alerts investors as market trends change. The technology seeks to avoid major market downturns through a stop-loss trading strategy. As trends in the market change, the Buy-Line® seeks to scale in or out of equities, designed to minimize the effects of bear markets. This added layer of security was designed to alert you when conditions indicate a possible downturn to help you stay on the right side of the market.


This advanced tool is designed to help you analyze stocks, and make better-informed investment decisions. Considering buying or selling a stock? Ust the OTI and you can view a trend of the stock and HCM’s current position on the stock. You can also use this tool to help with the conversation with your financial advisor and your overall financial plan.


Two options for signing up:

1) Sign up for COMPLIMENTARY ACCESS: Click the button below to take advantage of our promo code. Using the promo code there is no monthly or annual fee. We cover that for you.

401(K) Optimizer® - Promo Sign Up

2) Sign up on your own, current pricing is $9/month or 10% off with an annual subscription.


  • Quarterly customized 401(k) allocation recommendations for your personal 401(k) plan
  • Have your financial advisor copied on the recommendations for ease of communication
  • Reallocation notices directly to your email and phone will tell you when to sell or buy if market conditions change
  • Potentially have the current account balance texted directly to you each week
  • Easily compare current holdings and recommended allocations
  • Ongoing guidance to help make informed stock decisions
  • Access to an experienced fiduciary financial advisor to answer your questions


If you participate in a 401(k) plan and feel some additional direction regarding how to allocate your funds would be helpful, it makes sense to give 401k Optimizer® a try. We cover the fee, and you’ll gain access to some very high-level investing tools and customer support when you need it.

The more critical information you have, the easier it is to make an informed decision. Here’s to being ahead of the pack on the retirement planning journey!

Perhaps another option for you and your 401(k) would be a self-directed brokerage account.

Simply put, a self-directed brokerage account (SDBA) gives you complete control over how you invest your money. This means you aren't confined to a narrow selection of funds selected by a financial advisor or your employer. Instead, you have the opportunity to buy ETFs, individual stocks, and bonds. Want to learn more about a self-directed brokerage account? Click below to learn more.


The 401(k) Optimizer® is not a financial advisor and does not provide financial advice. The tool is intended to provide general information and should not be considered as a recommendation to invest in any particular security or strategy. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.